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Why Renovate?

How long have you been looking to renovate?

Most home owners are looking to do some type of renovation throughout the occupancy of the home. However the most common reason for homeowners not to take action include: They can't find the right contractor, don't trust a contractor, or they just think they can't afford it.


In short, homeowners are looking for the following:

1.) Experience

2.) Trust 

3.) Affordability

Here are New Wave Construction, we have completed hundreds of jobs, developing relationships where out customer's are now part of our growing family and offer many top rated financing options to make your renovations affordable to you! 

We offer a NO COST, ZERO OBLIGATION   estimate for your home. We help make your dreams a reality. 

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Energy Efficiency

We are general contractors that work on providing homeowners with energy efficient solutions to not only better their homes but their lives. We offer safe, beautiful, affordable home renovations that not only increase your homes value but overall look and feel.

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Project Management

Our team takes pride in our expert project management, because we know organization, structure and dedication translates into beautiful results. We take your home seriously and want to make sure it gets the proper attention it deserves throughout the renovation process.

General Construction

We believe in doing business with people that we trust, and we know that our customer's expect the same. We take the time to answer all your questions and guide you through our construction process and inform you about our company and team. Join our family of happy customers today.

Water and Flood Damage Repair

Our team has an effective planning and execution style and makes sure to update you every step of the way. Homeowners love working with our team.

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